"In today's world, love, art, and magic are greatly needed" Fritz Scholder.

martes, 31 de agosto de 2010


My mouth is dry
My eyes are closing
I need a bed
I need to rest.

In the midst of the night
Humidity is fucking up my hair
I can't see straight
Tonight's been rough.

Still hearing his accent
Still looking for someone who could be you
A man who would speak to me with your words.

Flushing my veins in a glass
My heart is aching and I don't know why
Reads 6.60 on the taxi
My head is resting, begging to get away from emotions.

Still not understanding
Why I kept on expecting directions
West and south got mixed together.

Trying to focus on a dream that can not happen
Tying memories one to the other
Blowing the damage again
Gathering reactions whenever I tell someone I've met you.

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