jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010
Old Man
"Felix Crying". Drawing for the film Stereoscope. William Kentridge.
A glass chandelier hanging above the wodden table
Smoked salmon served on the silver dish
Touching the red velvet cushion with my hand
Predicting tonight is going to end bad.
Licking his fingertips with his tongue
Enjoying the sweet remains
Feeling guilty of how good it tastes
Proving once more how desperate he is for sex.
Staring at every move I make
Ordering to clean the dirty dishes
Following every step I take
Not trusting my actions.
As soon as I sit down,
He takes a sip of wine.
He proposes a toast for our future
Chasing me like a prey with his sight.
Lifting the mantelpiece
Trying to hide his thirst for my youth
He observes the shape of my legs.
Desire is rising, I can hear it in his breath
He wants me so badly
He wants to feel young again.
He is torturing me with his silence, and when he finally speaks
Words come out as an orgy of stupidity, as a continuos babbling.
I can't understand shit
Feels like we speak two different languages
I am trying to keep my eyes open
But this is too exhausting for me.
Feeling sorry for him
My body is tired of listening
I want to take a break from his speech
He dreams too high not realizing he has so little to live.
"Focus on what you have, it is late for new adventures Old Man
Trying to conquer new territories will not be worth it
What you accomplished is what you are taking to your grave
It won't be long, it will take nothing before you vanish to another world".
I want him to react
But he does not move a finger
He is just impressed by my beauty.
The mirror, the carpet, and I have the same value to him
He wants to own me
In order to feel good with himself.
Well, I will never belong to you
No matter how hard you try
It is nice when someone wants you
But possession will never be right.
Here we go again
Another male who doesn't care what I say
As long as the outside is fine.
"Wouldn't it be better if you'd be a mute?"-he asks.
Thinking causes trouble
So I will be quiet
I will pretend, I will say nothing.
Old Man smiles with a perverse smile
Knowing I will not speak my mind.
Lo que he aprendido en Nueva York
-A hablar ingles al 100% (osease ya puedo decir que soy bilingue).
-Puedes echarte un comentario racista siempre y cuando tu seas de alguna otra "raza". Un chino se puede echar una bromita de un mexicano, pero un gringo de un negro NO.
-White es igual a Caucasian igual a American.
-A comer sola en un restaurante.
-Que los gueyes mexicanos nos tienen muy mal acostumbradas a las niñas. No existen hombres mas caballerosos que los chavos de mi pais.
-A poner una lavadora. Eso de lavar la ropa tiene su chiste.
-El precio del gas.
-A actuar en ingles.
-Que los hombres son mas cabrones de lo que yo me habia imaginado. Si hay patanes en el mundo, creo que el 80% se concentra aqui. (Algun dia escribire acerca de los gañanes que me he topado).
-A estar soltera y disfrutarlo.
-Lo mucho que extraño a mi familia.
-El mesero te trae la cuenta sin que tu se la pidas.
-Ser rico es una cosa, ser rico en Nueva York es otra.
-"If you can make it here, you can (literally) make it anywhere".
-A los extranjeros les fascinan las latinas.
-Pretender que eres gay puede abrirte las puertas de los antros mas mamones.
-Aqui te corren de putazo y sin previo aviso. Si van a cerrar un antro prenden las luces y un tipo de 2 metros te arrebata tu drink y te obliga a salirte.
-Es la ciudad donde mas niñas guapas hay, la competencia esta cabrona.
-No importa que tan estupida seas, los gueyes a huevo van a querer ligarte.
-"When you go black, you never go back" ES MITO.
-Comer saludable sale carisimo.
-Los taxistas no estan hablando contigo sino con sus compas por su hands free.
-La comida tex/mex es buenisima. Chipotle es mi adiccion.
-Pelearte en otro idioma es complicado y frustrante.
-Hay mas gente que habla español de lo que tu crees.
-Las niñas pueden llegar a pagar en la first date.
-Usar el transporte publico.
-A reclamar si algo no me parece.
-Que soy hispanic/latino/brown.
-El que se convierte no se divierte.
-Puedes salir al pedo el dia que quieras y siempre va a haber gente.
-Vivir en carne propia un WALK OF SHAME.
-Los lugares mas exclusivos son los que no tienen nombre afuera.
-El pollo gringo engorda mas que una gordita de chicharron prenzado.
-La gente de New Jersey son como los Satelucos.
- Arte Moderno. WOW el MoMA.
-Tener sexo en otro idioma.
-La gente te habla sin que te conozca y hasta puede darte su opinion o punto de vista sin que tu se lo pidas.
-La importancia de lo Organico y GO GREEN!
-A un perro lo tratan igual que a un ser humano.
-Puedes vestirte como homeless y ser multimillonario.
-Un bar sucio, lleno de gente rarita y un bartender que si te encuentras en la calle de noche gritas, es el mas exclusivo, mamon y mas dificil de entrar.
-Los cadeneros son guapos.
-Despues de 4 anos y medio la gente quiere un respiro de NYC.
-Generalmente los que trabajan en finanzas odian su trabajo y son miserables.
-Un rayo de sol es excusa para ponerte traje de bano, chanclas e irte a asolear al parque al estilo Acapulco en la azotea.
-El clima de Nueva York es como un hombre: BIPOLAR.
-Ser marihuano es mas comodo. Solo hablas por telefono y te la traen a tu casa. A una que le gusta el alcohol, tiene que ir a la tienda a comprarlo.
-Si no tienes 21 estas JODIDO. A menos de que tengas una ID falsa o estes muy carita.
-Es una ciudad transitoria, la gente va y viene.
-Tener acento es cool, sexy y hot.
-A pesar de que hayas nacido en Estados Unidos al igual que papas y abuelos, si uno de tus ancestros fue Irlandes, puedes considerarte Irish-American. Osea yo soy espanola/libanesa/mexicana. Y yo que pense que era mas mexica que el mole poblano.
-5 de Mayo es una celebracion importantisima en Estados Unidos. A nosotros los mexicanos nos puede valer madres, pero los gringos se emocionan muchisimo y tienen la excusa de embutirse cantidades ridiculas de Frozen Margaritas. Es el unico dia en el que quieren a los mexicanos.
-Dicen que parezco asiatica.
-Nueva York es CARISIMO.
-Que por mas de que traten de imitar la carne al pastor, jamas sera como la de Mexico. Todo lo demas se puede truquear.
lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010
My body temperature can't adjust
I am cold if I take my arm out
I am hot if I stay underneath the blankets.
I open my eyes and you are sleeping next to me
What a blessing to feel your body
Seeing your face, lightens my day.
Asking myself why it can't be this way everyday
I would walk around the city showing my teeth to strangers
My hands can't control themselves,
both need to touch you all day long.
You are so amazing
It is not even funny
I love kissing you
Your smell is my favorite scent in the whole world.
I look at you and I think you are all I need
I wouldn't ask for more
Great human being I miss you when you are not around
I miss you even when you are beside me.
Yesterday night when we came back
You had a nervous look on your face
I didn't know exactly what it was.
Just you and you
It is scaring me to a point
Not finding the exact words
It is a mix between happiness and love.
Willing to tell you all the things I am thinking
But I can't
Wishing I could keep you longer
But I can't.
Turning back
I regret certain times when I said I loved someone
Because now I know it was not true
What I am feeling can't be compared to anything in the past.
It is hard to write about what I feel about you
It is so good
Everyday I get to spend time with you,
I scream inside to stop time and let me just enjoy.
Rome, Rome, Rome
One of my favorite songs
I don't feel hurt anymore
Today, more than ever, I am ready for taking off to a new adventure.
Simple and quiet
Breathing heavy
Asking questions about how am I feeling,
No complications.
Air is bringing a new breeze
I swear I didn't ask for it
Optimistic and realistic
In the meantime tastes like heaven.
You are not what I thought
Your energy goes beyond any expectation
Is it possible to search for the same exits?
To change our individual roads and make it one?
You, you, you
Taking me unannounced with your sweet words
Your hair, your dark hair is so soft
I am obsessed with your amazing beauty.
I am ready to jump if you are
I will give you ten if you give me nine
Just be sure, no regrets afterwards
Giving and taking, finding what we really want.
Planting a future together
I wish the world would stop for a moment
I hate to wait another day to see you again
I want to steal you and tear small parts from your body.
Metropolis and Maria
Understanding half of the story
Whatever works, you know
Sharing with you all my happiness.
domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010
Jupiter walking on June
Rufino Tamayo
Opening my eyes
Smelling your blue scent
Responding shortly
Breathing heavy.
Ground of emotions
Settling on top
Energizing your tricks
Following my instincts.
Coming closer to your chest
My fingers walking your skin
Zero zero zero
Threatening to fly highly.
Yelling your name inside my head
Memorizing the shape of your face
Rising my expectations
Creating varieties.
I fall asleep at midnight
When no noise can be heard
Closing two windows
Trapped with your name.
"Pause the time" I said ten times
Feels so fucking good
Flows easy
Makes me believe in the word love again.
Scares me
My two legs are ready to run
You you you are grabbing me
I can't resist anymore.
Betrayal stabbed my heart
It took a while to heal
"J is here today, he may be gone tomorrow"
My inner voice says.
You tell me you care
I take those words in
You hold me at night
You make me feel beautiful.
No, no, today is a yes
An affirmation from my heartbeat
The moon shines so bright
The world conspires to make our story happen.
You lay
You give me a killer sight
I repeat emphasizing
How obsessed I am with your eyes.
You laugh because you think I lie
You don't quite trust my words
You just can't see it?
I want to hide you from anyone so just belong to me.
Touch touch touch
You can feel safe around me
Uplifting imagination
Biting your collarbone.
Vitality murmurs when you hold my hand
Facing priorities
Step by step you are becoming my number one.
Shaking together
Trying to follow a map
Route is uncertain
Destination unknown.
Determined to hold you up next to Jupiter
I'll make your wishes come true
Say it louder
Loose your thoughts.
I have all the time in the world for you
I want to spend every minute from my life next to you
I do, I do
I will keep on following you.
You sit and I stand
The light from the lamp is coloring the mood
I will wait a lifetime to breathe the same present
I will calmly adjust the atmosphere
Global surrounding
I never felt so alive.
jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010
Why are you asking the obvious?
If I already said no
What are you waiting for?
Turn around, go.
I want your words to erase from our history
I want to tear in small pieces every minute we shared together.
Still confused what was happening to me at that time
Why did I fight for a coward?
You are so weak and pathetic
You are the perfect example of a loser.
Your insignificant life is my favorite joke to tell all my friends
Every time I mention your name,
They all burst in laughter
They can't help feeling better with themselves.
Making public her naked pictures,
So classy of you
I get it
You needed someone just like her.
She is exactly like you
She is all you've been looking for
I understand now,
We belong to two completely different worlds.
I smile and laugh out of my lungs
Not understanding why I cried so much
You are the black spot from my past
I would make fun of myself if someone else would have told me our story.
One day, I am sure you will come back
Reminding me how fucking amazing I am
So tired of saying this
Your opportunity already passed.
One day, listen carefully
You will be paying your debts
Rolling around in the mud of your lies
You will see how tears will come out of your eyes.
Come on, boost my ego
Tell me what I want to listen
Repeat slowly how beatiful I am
How you will never get the chance to be with a girl like me again.
Oh, it hurts right?
You never wanted to witness the truth
Avoiding reality
Avoiding your feelings.
Thank you for the inspiration though
Everyone needs to have that "stupid experience" to grow stronger
There you go,
You are the dumbest thing I've ever done.
If I already said no
What are you waiting for?
Turn around, go.
I want your words to erase from our history
I want to tear in small pieces every minute we shared together.
Still confused what was happening to me at that time
Why did I fight for a coward?
You are so weak and pathetic
You are the perfect example of a loser.
Your insignificant life is my favorite joke to tell all my friends
Every time I mention your name,
They all burst in laughter
They can't help feeling better with themselves.
Making public her naked pictures,
So classy of you
I get it
You needed someone just like her.
She is exactly like you
She is all you've been looking for
I understand now,
We belong to two completely different worlds.
I smile and laugh out of my lungs
Not understanding why I cried so much
You are the black spot from my past
I would make fun of myself if someone else would have told me our story.
One day, I am sure you will come back
Reminding me how fucking amazing I am
So tired of saying this
Your opportunity already passed.
One day, listen carefully
You will be paying your debts
Rolling around in the mud of your lies
You will see how tears will come out of your eyes.
Come on, boost my ego
Tell me what I want to listen
Repeat slowly how beatiful I am
How you will never get the chance to be with a girl like me again.
Oh, it hurts right?
You never wanted to witness the truth
Avoiding reality
Avoiding your feelings.
Thank you for the inspiration though
Everyone needs to have that "stupid experience" to grow stronger
There you go,
You are the dumbest thing I've ever done.
lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010
One Time Too Many
"Dance of Life". Edvard Munch.
No answer
He is being quiet again
Frustrates me
He likes to remain silent.
Seems like he is playing deaf
And I am playing mute
No communication
Barriers are covering our mouths.
Planting imaginary scenarios
Stabbing my expectations
Waiting is harming my thoughts
Time goes so slow
Feels like an eternity.
For once, I plea to speed this situation.
Right infront of me he is sitting
Perfectly dressed, yellow tie
Seems he came out of a magazine
His face is just way too amazing.
Although I can reach him with my arm
His mind is somewhere else I can't find out.
Making an effort to stay present
He can't
Past keeps on chasing him
He is not having a good time.
Restless and tired of following
Hating to be stuck in this situation
I am about to give up.
Why is my head still obsessed with his beauty?
It trembles revolving everything inside myself.
Greatness transformed into fondness
Now it is purely sadness.
Melody of my favorite band is playing
They sing "One time too Many"
"I am gonna to miss you a lot" has being said
It hits me, not really knowing why.
Earning satisfaction or dissatisfaction
You look around avoiding my fingers
I don't want to understand or justify your rejection,
I want to get it over with.
Port of green ladscapes
The light in the middle of the table helps our darkness
Wearing a black dress makes me feel stupid
You haven't even noticed it.
Keeps on staring still
Oh, I want to shake you hard
So you can live life as intense as I do
Original intent of crime
Meticulous moves, planning too much.
I will drink his money tonight
But he will not enjoy his own
I look around out of curiosity
Older men are staring at my naked legs.
Empty and half hurt
Feeling I am wearing a costume
Dumb and used
Why am I here?
Be honest and accept you just like what you see
What your eyes can perceive
Is it all you want?
Sick of hesitating or forcing what is not true
Maybe it will be me who wants not to commit to this "ideal dream"
Sure we look good together
But I haven't find substance
There is no such thing as "real love".
While we are leaving, he finally notices my black dress
He says I look incredible.
That's it.
Holding me, he kisses me tenderly.
I can't contain my anger
I can't change him
Either I accept him or I leave him.
That is what I will be doing
Why keep on fooling ourselves?
It is clear he is not comfortable being next to me.
Am I too much for him?
Is he too quiet for me?
We are so different it hurts,
I wish it was like I imagined...
But it is not.
sábado, 1 de mayo de 2010
Delfin hasta el Fin
Vean que tierno se ve con su sonrisita y su dedito apuntando hacia el fin, es el, el Huracán del Ecuador que viene y arrasa, su potencia y esplendor traspasa fronteras. Con ritmos únicos y sensuales, es hoy, Delfín Quishpe, el mayor exponente del "Andino techno/folk".
No ha sido un camino sencillo y fácil de recorrer, cada paso que Quishpe ha dado desde su primer sencillo "Torres Gemelas" en el 2006, han sido sellos grabados en la historia de la música popular. Nos ha ensenado que no basta con ser guapo y carismático para hacerla en esta industria. Hay que tener talento, y el, tiene de sobra. Es esa voz tan melodiosa que nos pone la piel de gallina, es su estilo único y original al bailar y una gran astucia al componer. Todo un triunfador!
La semana pasada mi gran amiga pelucona Fiorella Leone (oriunda de Guayaquil, Ecuador) me mando el video diciendo:"Chuta, tienes que ver a La Tigresa del Oriente, a Delfín y a Wendy en su nuevo video. En mi país, la gente esta vuelta loca con esta canción. Hasta Correa esta considerando volverlo el Himno Nacional".
No podía creer lo que acababa de escuchar.
Este trío de ases reunidos por primera vez? Pues si señores, tal y como lo leen, esta colaboración es el claro ejemplo de que los sueños se hacen realidad!
En "En tus Tierras Cantare", canción compuesta por Gaby Kerpel, creador de la música de "Fuerzabruta" y "De la Guarda" se proclama un mensaje de amor y solidaridad, denotando la entrega que Quishpe, la Tigresa del Oriente y Sulca tienen por Israel.
El video es una experiencia inigualable y de principio a fin logra transmitir ese mensaje de amor hacia Israel. Mis sentidos se transportaron de manera mágica al Medio Oriente, con solo ver las imágenes de "En tu Tierra Cantare". Considero este video una "Once in a lifetime experience".
Mientras me limpiaba las lagrimas de emoción por ver tanto arte en mi computadora, me vino a la mente que seria un muy buen regalo por parte de nuestra gente, traducir la canción al hebreo. Digo, que hueva que le dediques algo a alguien y no le entiendan. Y luego no vaya a ser la de malas que los Israelitas piensen que tres freaks con atuendos dignos de Halloween andan burlándose de su país. (Yo he visto a esta gente enojada y créanme que no por nada lanzan misiles).
Si ya le echaron tanta producción al video, unos subtitulitos no le caerían mal a nadie y así podriamos lograr que Israel se acerque a Latinoamérica!
Me da mucho gusto saber de las figuras publicas que dejan atrás sus egos y sus apretadas agendas para comprometerse a hacer una diferencia en este mundo tan injusto. Si Angelina Jolie adopta niños en África y Shakira construye escuelas en Colombia, porque no Mr. Quishpe cantarle a Israel para que se acaben las bombas y los ataques terroristas? Ayudar esta de moda y Delfín podría ser la próxima celebridad embajadora de las Naciones Unidas! El podría llegar al dialogo mediante la música y así lograr la paz que por tantos anos han buscado!
Conmovida por la belleza de la letra de a canción, me despido con una frase que Delfín decidió plasmar en su video:
Para todo el mundo niños, ancianos, maestros, pescadores y futbolistas. Estrella, famoso, panadero o agricultor. Sin prejuicios el amor fluye por las venas de todos. Acercate a Israel Latinoamerica!
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